>> We created a Junction inside D:\Test\Projekt1 named 
>> D:\Test\Projekt1\JunctionTest which points to D:\Test\Common
> Can you do this the other way around?  That is, make D:\Test\Common
the junction point, pointing to wherever your svn external is going to
> drop the files?    And figure out what it is you really want to happen
> in the case where you want to check out D:\Test\Projek1 and
> D:\Test\Projek2 and they both have the same relationship to
D:\Test\Common but want different revisions to appear there.
No, the other way round doesn't work, because d:\Test\Common cannot
point at the same time both to
D:\Test\Projekt1\JunctionTest and D:\Test\Project2\JunctionTest. We just
tested this. The question now is, why does SVN detect our hardlinked 
directory as special type of directory and thus creates us pain? (as
otherwise we'd have a solution which could work for us)

Best regards

Markus Humm

ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bachmuehle 2, D-74673 Mulfingen
Kommanditgesellschaft Sitz Mulfingen: Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 590344
Komplementaer: Elektrobau Mulfingen GmbH, Sitz Mulfingen, Amtsgericht Stuttgart 
HRB 590142
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Hans-Jochen Beilke (Vorsitzender), Thomas Borst, Hans Peter 
Fuchs, Dr. Bruno Lindl, Thomas Wagner

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