On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 01:56:34PM +0000, Simon Dean wrote:
> Hi 
> Are there any plans to add a command to SVN that cleans a working copy or 
> path of all unversioned and/or ignored files and directories?  

There is a related open feature request in our issue tracker:
As far as I know, nobody is currently working on this.
You could add yourself to the Cc list there to be informed once the
status of this issue changes.

Or, instead of waiting passively, you could try to compose a detailed
design spec for this feature and send it for discussion to the dev@
list. Once this discussion reaches consensus on the proposed design
you could implement it and send a patch.

This is one of those features that shouldn't involve too much work,
and where new contributors could get their feet wet with design and
implementation work. And it is quite a popular feature request so anyone
who designs and implements this will earn a good stash of community
karma points.

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