Hm ...  I just found that in r100 I did a couple of other changes to
the repository other than adding the big unwanted file, so the recipe
I had in mind is not an option. 

I am left with your suggestion, svnsync. I thought it was used just to
mirror a repository, do you mean it can be used to make a copy of a
repo with some changes? What versione of SVN do I need (currently
using 1.6.12)? Some users have pre-1.5 subversion; will they be able
to checkout from the new, modified repository (if created with


 > From: Daniel Shahaf <>
 > Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 21:27:55 +0200
 > Your recipe should work, assuming the file was added in r100 and never
 > changed or copied afterwards.  You may pass --deltas to 'svnadmin dump'
 > (no reason not to).  It'll offset r101:r200 revnums by one in the new
 > repository.
 > Another way is to use svnsync with path-based authz blocking the file
 > (and all its copied) from the sync user.
 > Giorgio F. Signorini wrote on Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 19:33:17 +0100:
 > > Hello
 > > 
 > > I need to delete a file permanently from my repository, since it was
 > > added by mistake and is very big. I understand this is not a very easy
 > > thing to do, and is related to the project of an 'svn obliterate'
 > > command.
 > > 
 > > I seem to have found a simple workaround for my problem, and I would
 > > very much like to share it for comments.
 > > 
 > > Suppose the current revision is 200 and the big file was added in rev
 > > 100. I can use the dump / load scheme of svnadmin, taking care in
 > > skipping revision 100 during the process:
 > > 
 > > svnadmin dump -r1:99 oldrepos > rev.1-99
 > > svnadmin dump -r101:200 --incremental oldrepos > rev.101-200
 > > 
 > > svnadmin create newrepos
 > > svnadmin load newrepos < rev.1-99
 > > svnadmin load newrepos < rev.101-200
 > > 
 > > 
 > > I only wonder if the "--incremental" option will work even when
 > > merging non-contiguous revisions. Please note that in revision 100
 > > only the big unwanted file was added.
 > > 
 > > Thank you for your help
 > > 
 > > -- GFS
 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > >  Dr. Giorgio F. SIGNORINI, PhD    
 > >  Dipartimento di Chimica           tel: +39-055-457-3085
 > >  Universita` di Firenze         
 > >  via della Lastruccia, 3          email: giorgio.signorini "at"  
 > >  I-50019 Sesto F. (Firenze) Italy
 > >    My PGP key:
 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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