On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 03:26:37PM +0000, Tennebø Frode wrote:
> We have been working for a long time (almost a year) on two products in 
> paralell.  One is a maintenance product, i.e. general bug fixes and very 
> little new features, called "base" and is effectively trunk.  The other is a 
> "new and improved" with all the latest bells and whistles, and is handled in 
> a branch.  Both of them are divided into ca. 80 sub-products, 10% unique and 
> 90% common, of which roughly 20% of the latter are branched.
> As both teams progressed they fixed bugs or added features in their 
> respective product, hence it was necessary to merge both from branches to 
> trunk and vice versa.
> Now comes the time to merge branches back to trunk and I try with a:
> ft@halt:/proj/.../ecom_spu>svn merge --reintegrate 
> file:///home10/svn/.../ecom_spu/branches/foo .
> Sometimes this works as expected, but on most occasions I get:
> svn: Reintegrate can only be used if revisions 1413 through 2204 were 
> previously merged from file:///home10/svn/.../ecom_spu/trunk to the 
> reintegrate source, but this is not the case:
>   ecom_spu/branches/foo
>     Missing ranges: ecom_spu/trunk:1413-1707,1709-1852,1854-1855
> I take it that meas that svn has detected that something has gone from 
> branches back to trunk on an earlier occasion?  Isn't it really necessarry to 
> break "reintegrate" like this?  svn has all the relevant information of which 
> revisions have gone where.  And I can perform the merge by doing:
> ft@halt:/proj/.../ecom_spu>svn merge -r 1413:2204 
> file:///home10/svn/...ecom_spu/branches/foo .
> --- Merging r1414 through r1422 into '.':
> U    ecom_edhipc_decl.ads
> U    mtt_gateway.adb
> --- Merging r1424 through r1527 into '.':
> G    ecom_edhipc_decl.ads
> G    mtt_gateway.adb
> --- Merging r1597 through r2204 into '.':
> U    ecom_spu_1.adb
> U    ecom_spu_socket.ads
> G    ecom_edhipc_decl.ads
> U    ecom_spu_socket.adb
> G    mtt_gateway.adb
> Or am I missing something here?

and for more in-depth details and current developments see

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