On Mar 21, 2012, at 06:12, Phil Pinkerton wrote:

> Looking for a way to send or display a Notice like a MOTD ( Message of the 
> day ) whenever any repository is accessed.
> For example there will be a major change in Repository locations. Some 
> projects already have pre and post commit hook scripts. What I want to do is 
> advise the user who accesses their Repository of that change.
> perhaps adding an email or message to be sent automagically to whoever 
> accesses the repository ?
> "Wish list'  would be a script easily modified and propagated to all 
> repository hook directories 
> Ideas ?  Suggestions ( besides read the book  )

Sorry, not a feature present in Subversion. a) there are no hooks that are run 
when the repository is merely accessed (only hooks that run when the repository 
is modified); b) there is no way for a hook to send a message to the user 
unless it is an error message to report a failure.

Instead, communicate with your users via other means. Send them an email or 
instant message. Or post the notice on your web site.

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