That option definitely looks interesting. From my reading, we could
use it to get apache to ignore all access restrictions except for the
SVN access file that I specify. Unfortunately my current performance
woes mostly come from the issues involved with processing the SVN
access file itself.

Joel Eidsath

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 2:39 PM,  <> wrote:
>> strace seems to indicate I/O issues as the bottleneck. The file is
>> loaded from NFS without caching.
>> The per-repository access file seems like my best bet for an immediate
>> solution. It is example 4 in this config:
>> mod_authz_svn/INSTALL
>> For a longer term solution, I am looking at contributing some code to
>> mod_authz_svn to 1. allow rule caching, or 2. provide some sort of db
>> support.
> You may also want to try:
> SVNPathAuthz short_circuit
> I'll let you google the potential problems with using that value.  It
> can result in significant performance gains if you work within
> the restrictions.
> Kevin R.

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