On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Pietro Moras <studio...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> In need to understand what PySvn is all about (so to compare it with
> Slik-Subversion I'm currently using), downloaded and installed
> py27-pysvn-svn173-1.7.6-1457.exe and pysvn-workbench-svn173-1.6.6-1460.exe,
> I haven't got a clue what to do next.
> Of course I'm badly in need of some initial break-ice support. Could any
> good soul be so kind to be of help?

There is no comparison.

SlikSVN is the Subversion command line binaries compiled for Windows.
There are many such distributions available, they are all identical
except for the packaging.

PySVN is a library that exposes the Subversion API as a Python API so
that you can write code that uses the Subversion API using Python.
The Python Workbench is a Python GUI client written by the author of
PySVN that uses PySVN to implement the calls to the SVN API.

You could compare the Python Workbench to other GUI SVN clients if you
wanted, such as TortoiseSVN.


Mark Phippard

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