Dear SVN experts,
I would like to ask, how to setup subversion to work with sasl and LDAP (LDAP server I am not able to reconfigure and runs on another machine) I was tested this configuration on the MAC OS X machine where svn repositories with conf/paswd file plain password authentication that works. It does not work on the slackware machine where sasldb authentification via password database works as well. I am not able to find out, where the problem is. because A) LDAP works well on MAC and slack as well ldapsearch -x -h -b "ou=People,dc=stuba, dc=sk" -W -D "uid=fodrek,ou=People,dc=stuba,dc=sk" uid=*fodrek*|egrep employ Enter LDAP Password: employeeType: staff employeeType: ext employeeType: ext employeeType: student employeeType: staff B) but svn does not work svn co svn:// Authentication realm: <svn://> ldap Password for 'mini1': Authentication realm: <svn://> ldap Username: fodrek Password for 'fodrek': Authentication realm: <svn://> ldap Username: fodrek Password for 'fodrek': svn: Authentication error from server: SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database C) svnlog on the server shows 16535 2012-04-04T15:14:46.636745Z - - ERR subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/streams.c 149 210002 Network connection closed unexpectedly D) my svnserve.conf of the ldapova repository is anon-access = none auth-access = write realm = ldap use-sasl = true [ldap] Server=ldap:// Base=employeeType= staff,ou=People,dc=stuba,dc=sk log_level: 7 pwcheck_method: auxprop auxprop_plugin: ldap mech_list: CRAM-MD5 OTP SRP PLAIN LOGIN E) and my /private/etc/sasluathd.conf ldap_servers: ldap:// ldap_default_domain: ldap_search_base: OU=People,DC=stuba,DC=sk #ldap_bind_dn: #ldap_bind_pw: password ldap_deref: never ldap_restart: no #ldap_scope: sub ldap_use_sasl: no ldap_start_tls: no #ldap_version: 3 ldap_auth_method: bind ldap_filter: uid=%u ldap_password_attr: userPassword ldap_timeout: 10 ldap_cache_ttl: 30 ldap_cache_mem: 32768 I would like to be informed how to determine, what I was done not correct Thank you for any help I look forward hearing from you Yours faithfully Peter Fodrek