On 2012-05-22 08:21, Markus Schaber wrote:
> At my current employer, we successfully use Jenkins. 
> But there are other such systems, for example the java-based 
> http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/ and its .NET cousing 
> http://www.cruisecontrolnet.org/ - both of them were used at one of my former 
> employers place. At another former employers place, we used post-commit hooks 
> triggering a self-written python daemon which ran appropriate scons build 
> files. And AFAIR, Microsoft also provides some auto-build solution for VSS or 
> TFS.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration#Software contains a list 
> of CI software.
> So even if you don't like Hudson or Jenkins for whatever reason, there are 
> lots of alternatives, and I strongly suggest you evaluate continuous 
> integration in your environment.


Please have a look at the (commmercial) CI tool TeamCity.

It is able to do so-called "pre-checked commits", which might help with
your objective, i.e. keeping bad commits out of the codeline.


Michael Diers, elego Software Solutions GmbH, http://www.elegosoft.com/

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