Philip Martin <> writes:

>> 2. now locally exclude subdirectory b from update (svn update b
>> --set-depth=exclude), which removes versioned subdirectory b from the
>> local working copy
>> 3. change the local svn:externals property set on a to become a
>> directory external:
>> /b b
> Here you are changing the svn:externals so that the external node is at
> the same location as a versioned directory.  When you try to checkout
> the external and the versioned directory will obstruct each other:
> $ svnadmin create repo
> $ svn mkdir -mm file://`pwd`/repo/A
> $ svn mkdir -mm file://`pwd`/repo/B
> $ svn co file://`pwd`/repo wc
> $ svn ps svn:externals '^/B B' wc/A
> $ svn ci -mm wc
> That's a very nomal svn:externals setup.  Now add ^/A/B and try and
> checkout:
> $ svn mkdir -mm file://`pwd`/repo/A/B
> $ rm -rf wc
> $ svn co file://`pwd`/repo wc
> $ svn st wc
>     S   wc/A/B
> wc/A/B should not be switched.

That's issue 4085:


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