On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Jeyanthan <jeyant...@collab.net> wrote:
> On Friday 01 June 2012 12:33 AM, Aaron Turner wrote:
>> I keep on getting this error:
>> svn: Checksum mismatch while updating 'interfaces.lookup'; expected:
>> '2c21f93c8639901a28056a507aa54deb', actual:
>> '97c86da543f396d636e960e46dec7280'
>> on the same file over and over again.  I've blown away my working copy
>> of the repo and re-checked out and the problem goes away for a while
>> and then returns.
>> Trying to understand two things:
>> 1. What causes this and how I can prevent it from happening in the future?
>> 2. Is there an easier way then blowing away my WC and re-checking out to
>> fix it?
> I am hoping your repository is being served via https:// protocol.
> I remember coming across this issue when mod_pagespeed module is enabled in
> apache configuration.
> Visit
> http://subversion.open.collab.net/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=3&viewType=browseAll&dsMessageId=450591
> Though it affects only html files to the best my knowledge, I think it's
> worth checking it.

We are using https://

do not have pagespeed module installed.   SVN server config hasn't
changed in probably a year.  Come to think of it though, we started
having problems after we rebuilt the client side and changed svn
client versions (currently 1.6.13).  I *think* the old version was

The only other relevant bit of information is that the file in
question is updated from the repo every 5 minutes.  The file checked
out doesn't ever seem corrupted and is a plain text file.

Aaron Turner
http://synfin.net/         Twitter: @synfinatic
http://tcpreplay.synfin.net/ - Pcap editing and replay tools for Unix & Windows
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Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
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"carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"

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