I'm using svn 1.6.11 of Centos 6.2.

I've noticed the following two issues with externals.

(1) If I have an external and then do a "svn propedit svn:externals ..." and 
delete a path, the file that was previously exported into my space by "svn 
update" persists in a state of limbo.

(2) An "svn merge" seems to apply svn:mergeinfo property changes to externals. 
This seems extremely unwise. Should "svn merge" (and perhaps other commands) 
skip over external files?

I love externals... they're very handy for multiple projects sharing partial 
common sources... but they aren't as easy to use as they should be, and come 
with some bizarre (non-intuitive) semantics.

Is this bugworthy?


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