> newthon.jun...@embraer.com.br
> 01/06/2012 13:17
> To
> users@subversion.apache.org
> cc
> Subject
> Server sent unexpected return value (413 Request Entity Too Large) in response
> Hi All,
> I´m having problems to commit or update my workingcopy when I do it from root 
> directory. It gives me the error message:
> "Server sent unexpected return value (413 Request Entity Too Large) in 
> response
> to REPORT request for '/repo-sys/!svn/vcc/default'"
> If I do the update or commit in childrens folders, one by one, I don´t get 
> this error message.
> I´m running Subversion server 1.6.12 in a Red Hat 5.7 and TortoiseSVN 1.7.7 
> in Windows XP and have two repositories: one 11GB (~200 K files) large and 
> other 700MB (~50 K files). The error occur in both repositories
> Any idea how to fix it?
> Thanks in advance

Can you check the error logs on the server (apache error logs)?

Maybe the problem is caused by the LimitXMLRequestBody directive [1]
in your Apache (or more likely, the absence thereof: the default value
of this limit is 1000000 bytes). Try setting this directive to a
higher value, or to 0 (disables the limit).

[ Finally: some notes about the form of your post: (1) we prefer
plain-text emails on this list, (2) please don't include the legal
disclaimer boilerplate (it makes no sense if you post to a public (and
archived) list) and (3) when replying, please don't top-post, but
reply at the bottom or inline. ]

[1] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#limitxmlrequestbody


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