@Thorsten: Thanks for taking the time to respond, I do appreciate it, I
should provide more background.  I did use tortoise.  Then I lost a
bunch of source code trying to do a merge probably because I didn't know
what I was doing.  I started with version 1.  Branched for version 2.
Enhanced version 1 then merged to version 2 and somehow killed the
enhanced version 1.  All I could get was old version 1 or new version 2
in effect prohibiting any more enhancements to version 1 (I didn't want
to dig through version 2 to find the changes and put them back in
version 1 with the release of version 2 so close).  I have now completed
version 2 and would like to get it under source code control without any
code loss.  That is why I wished to learn the command line version, it
seems knowing how the CLI works will tell me how svn works better than a
third party product.  Am I right or wrong?  Besides the book that I am
reading only mentions command line options so it is incompatible with
anything else.  To top it off, I can get clarifications for the CLI here
but the support for the other products stinks.
Thanks for the link
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_locator, however it
indicates the problem I was trying to resolve earlier.  Wikipedia claims
a URL points to a resource on the internet.  We don't store our
repository on the internet.  We store it on our intranet.  So either we
can't use the command line to import files, which seems unlikely.  Or
svn uses the term URL differently than Wikipedia, very likely.  I have
seen numerous instances where different sources use terms differently.
What does the svn book (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn-book.pdf)
mean when it uses the term?

Actually I don't need to create a directory, I need to create a
repository.  Looking at the server now it looks like we have a separate
repository for each project with folders such as branches, tags and
files stored in the root so we can't use a repository for more than 1
project.  Is this incorrect?  So it looks like I need to create a
repository before the import.  I issued "svnadmin create" to make a new
repository, and it succeeded but only when issued when the current
directory was the repository directory.  Actually it appears to succede
anywhere, but I doubt the folders it creates are useable if they are not
on the server.  Import still fails though.  See below.

@Andy: Thanks for replying, but we do have a proper server set up using
VisualSVN Server.  But the problem remains.  Also I would like to point
out that it is not helpful to use a word in its own definition: A URL is
always a properly-formed URL.  That doesn't tell me much.  Care to

Realizing I needed a new repository, I issued:
svnadmin create iERP85_v2       WORKED!!

svn import "g:/code/intuitive projects/projects"
svn import "g:/code/intuitive projects/projects"
svn import "g:/code/intuitive projects/projects"

All fail with "Could not use external editor to fetch log message;
consider setting the $SVN_EDITOR environment variable or using the
--message (-m) or --file (-F) options"

It appears that the import command has an undocumented required
parameter, or something else is wrong, because when I provide the
parameter I get different errors.

import "g:/code/intuitive projects/projects" file://Vm006/Repositories/i
erp_v2 -m "JPM"
svn: E180001: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
svn: E180001: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
svn: E180001: Unable to open repository

import "g:/code/intuitive projects/projects" svn://Vm006/Repositories/iE
RP85_v2 -m "JPM"
svn: E730060: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
svn: E730060: Can't connect to host 'vm006': A connection attempt failed
because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of
time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed
to respond.

import "g:/code/intuitive projects/projects" http://Vm006/Repositories/i
ERP85_v2 -m "JPM"
svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
svn: E175002: OPTIONS of 'http://vm006/Repositories/iERP85_v2': could
not connect to server (http://vm006)

Thanks again for your time.

John Maher

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