wrote on Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 19:18:40 +0200:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering about some files in the subfolders of db/locks
> (Subversion 1.6, FSFS). The existence of a lot of files in this
> directory seems to slow down some operations, especially with
> TortoiseSVN. I understand, that each locked file in the repository
> leads to a file (or two?) in db/locks. But what is the intention of
> files in this directory, if there are no locks in a repository?
> We have a repository, which had some locked files. These locks have
> been removed and the output of 'svnadmin lslocks ...' is empty, now.
> But db/locks still contains files. All of them look like the example
> below. They contain only a different amount of hashes, but no path
> to locked files in the repository.
> ------
> K 8
> children
> V 99
> a9025cf28195868e96018bbceeda0822
> d2fb526b8531d2ad89ddb92cfd0b9db4
> 00ff6f20f3a3286f3c9567e346ddd755
> ------
> I found some explanation about the internal structure of FSFS, but
> didn't understand all parts regarding the db/lock folder:
> I'm not subscribed to this list and would appreciate being
> explicitly Cc:ed in any response. Thanks.

If you lock /foo/bar/baz then db/locks/${hash} files are created for each of / ,
/foo , /foo/bar  .

Consequently, if (a) there are no locks in the repository, and (b) no
locks are being added or deleted (eg: the server is in read-only mode),
then it ought to be safe to remove all those hashes.

See libsvn_fs_fs/locks.c (and .h) for the gory details...

> Ingo

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