Thanks for coming back to me.

Error message is:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Checksum mismatch for '/path/Constants.java''; expected:
'c55ba3831fe4b9c84ed8cfa28a5b5880', actual:
(I get the same error when checking in from an IDE as well as the command
line but I guess the actual command and API will be the same).

Using FSFS

'svnadmin verify'  doesn't find any errors.


On 7 September 2012 18:23, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:

> Can you copy and paste your error message to the list please?  (set
> 'LC_ALL=C' in your environment to get it in English, if needed)
> Do you use FSFS or BDB?
> Does 'svnadmin verify' find any errors?  (it might be interesting to try
> 'svnadmin verify' with a 1.7 client, though I think some changes haven't
> been included in a release yet)
> Charles Humble wrote on Fri, Sep 07, 2012 at 17:39:46 +0100:
> > I recently modified a constants file for my Java app to change the
> > separator used for the title bar in the browser, thus:
> >
> >     /**
> >      * Separator for title bar
> >      */
> >     public static final String TITLE_BAR_SEPARATOR = " | ";
> >
> > When I try and chec the file into our SVN repository I get a checksum
> > message.  If I change the constant to anything else it works fine.
> >
> > I'm running svn --version 1.6.17 on an OS X Lion server if it helps.
> >
> > Anyone aware of this?  Any workaround suggestion?
> >
> > Charles

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