On 9/10/2012 10:43 AM, John Maher wrote:

Thanks again, I'm learning.

I appreciate the time put in to help me and I really don't want to cost you more time, so I have a couple of yes/no questions.

So the only time to use svnadmin create without having a dedicated server would be a single user (like me at home)?

At some level, svnadmin create will be called once per repository. Whether that is done through a GUI-based interface or from the command line is immaterial. This is the first step in setting up a repository, and it has to be on the machine that will serve the repository.

It may be helpful to think of Subversion as a program package that runs on a server. If you are a single user working on a non-networked machine, then your local machine can be a Subversion server by reading the repository directly, using the "file://" protocol. This protocol has major problems with multiple (and sometimes even remote) access, so it is safely run only on the machine where the files reside and only by one user at a time. If you need to access a repository on another machine, particularly if multiple users will be accessing the repository, you need some kind of server process running on that machine to manage internal operations safely and arbitrate between simultaneous requests. Subversion includes the "svnserve" program to serve files using the "svn://" protocol and has code that allows Apache HTTPD to serve files using the "http://"; or "https://"; protocol.

Personally, my repositories are all served using Apache HTTPD. I have multiple machines, and although it is unlikely that I would ever commit code from two different machines at the same time, the ease of use for the "file://" protocol just wasn't worth the risk. I host some Web sites too, and it was easier for me to adapt my HTTPD setup knowledge than to learn how to configure svnserve. Your mileage may vary.

As for as the dll extensions, those are not a concern. I am talking about ide setting files. And if we have a project made up of 44 repositories I need to enter the command 44 times, no eaiser way, right?

Subversion does not provide repository administration or sandbox configuration tools; it provides a repository hosting mechanism. What you are asking for is not part of Subversion, so yes you need to enter the command 44 times.

Scripting languages are your friends here. Write one script to invoke the configuration commands for a single repository, then another to invoke the first script for every repository in a list. This has multiple benefits:

1) You can call the first script each time you add a new repository, rather than type in the commands all over again. 2) Automation of this kind allows you to configure all of your repositories identically. 3) The scripts document the configuration you used (rather than scraps of paper somewhere, or the memory of an employee who may leave).

    David Chapman      dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
    Software Development Done Right.

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