On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 3:10 PM, John Maher <jo...@rotair.com> wrote:

> Sorry I'm not reading anything on unix if I can help it.  Text based
> operating systems will be obsolete.  I know all you text gurus will
> argue to your death.  But JCL was junk while it was still in use.  It
> was used only because that had to, not because it was any good.  Command
> line interfaces, text based oses and the mouse are all going bye-bye.
> Its just a matter of time.  May be in my lifetime, may not be, I don't
> care.  I am focusing my attention on the future, not the past otherwise
> I could get a high paying job doing cobol since those guys are in
> demand.  But I don't want to work with a dead language even if it won't
> die in my lifetime.  I'm looking ahead.

You might want to "look ahead" to Windows Server 2012. The core
installation has no GUI, and the entire OS  - your whole Windows
domain - can be administered via the very thing you're railing against
- a command-line interface.

Or "look ahead" to Exchange 2007, which shipped with almost no GUI to
speak of as well - any GUI it had was a wrapper on top of PowerShell
scripts (again, you did your administration via the command line).

Windows administrators & developers who choose not to get on the
PowerShell train will be left behind. The GUI is not the end-all,
be-all of computer interfaces, despite what you may believe.

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