On Sep 12, 2012, at 06:12, Carmit Shiran <carmit.shi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Do you know if there's a way to know what is the current tag I'm working on? 
> Meaning: If I want to use 'svn copy' on the file I'm working on now without 
> sending the argument of the source file but only the tag name, is it possible 
> to send the 'current file path' as the first argument?
> For instance, if the user doesn't know on what tag he's working on, assuming 
> he's not working on the 'trunk' but rather on 'tag= Release_60'. And now he 
> wants to copy 'Release_60' to 'Release_61'. But he doesn't know he's working 
> on 'Release_60'. How do I find out using svn command lines?

The user runs "svn info" and examines the output to discover what tag he's 
working on.

Usually one wouldn't be "working on" a tag though. Tags are supposed to be 
considered as read-only entities. You "work on" branches or trunk.

> If you look at my example I sent in the previous email, you can see I filled 
> in the argument= $target_path :
> my $target_path = "file:///C:/svn_repos3/trunk/Widget3"
> But I'm looking for a way to fill it automatically with the "current 
> path/tag".
> Is it possible?

Sure, you could write a script to extract that information out of "svn info".

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