On 9/20/2012 2:19 PM, Mitchell Killian wrote:

I've been beating my head against a wall for the last several days trying to figure this out. I'm moving my SVN repo to a new server. Shouldn't be too big a deal. I made the data dump, transferred it to my new server, installed svn v1.7.6, created the repo and imported the data dump into the new repo. No problem at all. In fact, I can browse to the repo and view all of the files. However, when I try to create a directory or commit changes to the new repo, I get this error message: Commit failed: Server sent unexpected return value (500 internal server error) in response to POST request for '/repos/!svn/me'

I've thought it was a permissions issue, so I've tried every kind of user:group combo that I can and even given 777 permissions to the SVN repo folder and contents but to no avail. I've assigned nobody:nobody, username:nobody, and username:username but no user:group combo seems to work. For the life of me, I can't figure it out. Let me give some info about my system.

Centos 5.8
WHM/cPanel 11.32.4
Apache 2.2.22
Subversion v1.7.6

Following up to the list: I suggested he look for a version mismatch between the installed DAV .so files and the new Subversion executables (i.e. that he may need to install new DAV .so files as well), and that turned out to be the case. He has reverted to Subversion 1.6.18 for the time being.

    David Chapman      dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
    Software Development Done Right.

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