Thank you Mark! I will check that out. Thanks JCH


From: Mark Phippard [] 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:47 AM
To: Hawkins, John
Cc: Bert Huijben;; TCORE-CM
Subject: Re: Apache won't start after upgrade


On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Hawkins, John
<> wrote:

        When loading is says a function call is missing,
without giving the name of the function. I assume the missing function
is in one of the three missing DLL's.



Those DLL's are not likely the problem as I believe they are "optional
dependencies" of some of the dependencies we use and do not ever get
loaded.  I am color-blind so it is sometimes hard for me to notice some
of the things in the UI, but the issue with the missing function is that
it DOES find the dependency, but it is finding an old one that is
missing the dependency.  I think the DLL with the problem has its text
in a different color in the UI of dependency walker.  You should be able
to turn on a feature in the UI that shows the full paths of the files.
This might also cause a problem to jump out as you may see some of the
Apache or SVN DLL's being loaded from a different folder than you


Also, since you are using a manual Apache configuration as opposed to
something like Subversion Edge, it is possible that your httpd.conf is
loading from a different install of SVN then where the
rest of the dependencies come from.



Mark Phippard

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