
Please see comments in-line.

Frank Perdicaro,
Inkjet Solutions Workflow Engineer
AFP Integration, HQ RIP Details
HP IHPS Corvallis  (541) 715-3129

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cooke, Mark []
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 1:49 AM
> To: Perdicaro, Frank (GSB-IHPS-Corvallis);
> Subject: RE: Assertion failure in 1.7.3
> Hello,
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Perdicaro, Frank (GSB-IHPS-Corvallis)
> > []
> > Sent: 22 September 2012 01:06
> > To:
> > Subject: Assertion failure in 1.7.3
> >
> >
> > Thanks for your work on Subversion.
> > It crashed on my Win7 Pro SP1 machine (12 core Xeon5690, 48GB) while
> > trying to connect for the first time to a new head.
> Wow, nice system!  What do you mean by "a new head"?
[Perdicaro, Frank (GSB-IHPS-Corvallis)] 
Not a new toilet!   A co-worker of mine made a new repository; I had never 
connected.     This was my first connection.    Perhaps the better phrasing
would be 'first connection to the main trunk of a brand new repository'.

The system is an HP Z800 configured to be an emulator of an HP G7 blade
system.    We have several of these configured for doing analysis of high-speed
PDL (page description language) processing.    It is dual-boot and has the 
high-speed dual-disk RAID -- 4 disks total.    Yes, a nice PC.    MSRP is like 
a new car. 

> > My name is more than 8 chars long, so it gets remapped with a ~1.
> > (The 8.3 file naming format -- with all its problems -- is
> > now old enough to collect Social Security.    It cannot die
> > soon enough for me.)
> While I agree with your comments ref 8.3, we use quite a few paths longer
> than 8 characters without problems (although I'm still on XP but use Win7 at
> home).  I suspect that is not the problem.
[Perdicaro, Frank (GSB-IHPS-Corvallis)] 

I suspect it is the problem.   The COE (corporate operating environment) here
cuts my name down all the time.   This results in mismatches  fairly often.   To
me it looks like a mismatch between the actual name and the GUID-like name.
Eventually a null pointer results... 
> > Of course there is no such actual directory, so we get the error
> > message
> >
> > 'C:\Users\lngnam~1\AppData\Local\Temp' is not a working copy
> >
> > Then the crash:
> >
> > ---------------------------
> > Subversion Exception!
> > ---------------------------
> > Subversion encountered a serious problem.
> > Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list
> Thanks for doing this
> > with as much information as possible about what you were trying to do.
> ...but this would help.  What was the command(s) you tried that failed?
[Perdicaro, Frank (GSB-IHPS-Corvallis)] 
See above

> > But please first search the mailing list archives for the error
> > message to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.
> > You can find the mailing list archives at
> >
> Did you do this bit?  TortoiseSVN has its own mailing list too.
[Perdicaro, Frank (GSB-IHPS-Corvallis)] 
Apparently not.   I followed the directions in the GUI which was displaying
the error.

> > Subversion reported the following
> > (you can copy the content of this dialog to the clipboard using
> > Ctrl-C):
> >
> > In file
> >
> > 'D:\Development\SVN\Releases\TortoiseSVN-1.7.3\ext\subversion\
> subversion\libsvn_wc\wc_db.c'
> >  line 11679: assertion failed (svn_dirent_is_absolute(local_abspath))
> > ---------------------------
> > OK
> > ---------------------------
> Note that 1.7.3 (Dec 2011) is now 6 revisions out of date, can you try again
> with 1.7.9 (30th August 2012) and see if it still fails?
[Perdicaro, Frank (GSB-IHPS-Corvallis)] 

Not so easy.  Sure the update is easy, but not making a new repository. 
I will keep this in mind. 

> Cheers,
> ~ Mark C

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