On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Arivarasan Manivasagam
<wings.arivara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> Currently we run this version (svn, version 1.4.6 (r28521)) on a AIX
> machine. I am looking at upgrading to
> v1.7.6-1(http://www.perzl.org/aix/index.php?n=Main.Subversion)
> Is it enough if I do the following
> (http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#dumpload)? Or do I need to do
> anything more?

It's often simpler simply to lock the original repository to read-only
and build an svnsync based mirror on a new host using Subverison

> Shut down svnserve, Apache, and anything else that might be accessing the
> repository.
> svnadmin dump /path/to/repository > dumpfile.txt , using version X of
> svnadmin.
> mv /path/to/repository /path/to/saved-old-repository
> Now upgrade to Subversion Y (i.e., build and install Y, replacing X).
> svnadmin create /path/to/repository, using version Y of svnadmin.
> svnadmin load /path/to/repository < dumpfile.txt , again using version Y of
> svnadmin.

"Build and install Y" can hide a lot of issues. I'd actually do that
*first*, on another machine, and use a pre-built package if feasible.
And given the limited support for AIX from the open source and
freeware community, I'd very seriously consider moving off of it for
your Subversion server.

> Copy over hook scripts, etc, from the old repository to the new one.
> Restart svnserve, Apache, etc.

And this stage can hide a lot of pitfalls. Sophisticated hook script
environments, authentication and access configurations. It also
doesn't mention whether or not you want to keep the same repository ID
or force everyone to do a clean checkout from the new server.

> Can you also elaborate step 7 on hook scripts and etc.,?

It's very, very environment dependent. You could do an "svnadmin
create testrepo" on your original host and compare its results to your
original repository, to look for the scripts in restrepo/scropts/, but
if you're using HTTPS access you doubtless have Apache configurations
as well you'll need to review and bring over.

> Thanks again for the support!

Good luck with this. I'd really encourage you to use the "svnsync"
approach to build your new repository on another server, with a
different UUID, and only switch and set the UUID when you've tested
the new server.

> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Cooke, Mark <mark.co...@siemens.com> wrote:
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Arivarasan Manivasagam
>> > To: users@subversion.apache.org
>> > Subject: Subversion server upgrade from 1.4 to 1.7
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> > We want to upgrade subversion server from 1.4 to 1.7
>> > Is this feasible?
>> > Can you share any steps or documents related to the same?
>> >
>> > thanks,
>> > Arivarasan Manivasagam
>> It is feasible and there are plenty of hits using google with very similar
>> questions.  It would be useful if you could say what your platform is (or
>> will be if you plan on upgrading the hardware also).
>> I suggest you start with the release notes for the 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 [1]
>> versions which should cover most of the gotchas but in theory a current
>> server should be able to just pick up the old repositories and serve them.
>> However, I would guess that a 1.4 to 1.7 upgrade would benefit from a dump /
>> load cycle to make use of the latest repository structure features (as well
>> as giving you a handy dump file backup of the pre-upgrade repositories).
>> Perhaps you can provide more info and ask some more specific questions?
>> ~ Mark C
>> [1] http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.7.html

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