On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 08:14:41AM +0200, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Stefan Sperling wrote on Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 21:07:59 +0100:
> > Extract these reps from the FSFS data of the temporary repository and
> > stitch them into the broken repository at appropriate places, recalculating
> > checksums where necessary,
> Instead of recalculating, you ought to be able to set them to all-zeroes.

Ah, that's neat :)

Oh, and make sure to remove rows containing checksums of corrupted reps
from rep-cache.db. Alternatively, disable rep-sharing in fsfs.conf.
Else, you might end up with new revisions pointing at existing bad reps
(in particular if people keep trying to add the same file again and
again under different names in an attempt to repair it.)

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