On 11/22/2012 12:38 AM, net_robber wrote:

these days, i was trying to use svnsync to backup my svn server.
it is more then hundreds of repos, and a lot of the, have more than a million version.

when the backup is running, i got some error like this

svnsync: REPORT of 'https://svn.domain.com/my/repos': 200 OK (https://svn.domain.com)

What version is the server? What is the operating system and its version? It appears you are using Apache; what version of Apache is it? It's hard to diagnose the problem without more information.

i tried to find out what is happen, and these is what info i was got
1. on the certain version which can not svnsync, i can checkout without any error
2. i can use "svn log" on the version
3. i can NOT use "svn log -v" on the version via https:// access
4. i can NOT use "svn log -v" on the version via file:// access
5. i can "svnadmin dump" the full repos without any error, and the dump file can be load correct 6. there are two repos have error like this, and all of the two error was occurred more than half year, and i do NOT got any warning until i was trying svnrsync

of course, i can skip this version, but i want more
1. how can i got these two version back, instead of just skip?
2. if i was the only one who have met this error
3. what cause these ? will it happen again?
4. can i know another error like these was on?

thanks,  for all of your reply

    David Chapman      dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
    Software Development Done Right.

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