On Sun, 2012-11-25 at 02:26 -0600, Dave Huang wrote:

> No, it's sort of hidden, but it is mentioned in the documentation:
> The perceptive reader is probably wondering at this point whether the peg 
> revision syntax causes problems for working copy paths or URLs that actually 
> have at signs in them. After all, how does svn know whether news@11 is the 
> name of a directory in my tree or just a syntax for “revision 11 of news”? 
> Thankfully, while svn will always assume the latter, there is a trivial 
> workaround. You need only append an at sign to the end of the path, such as 
> news@11@.
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/svn.advanced.pegrevs.html

Thanks.  Is it possible/valid to specify a peg revision when adding
files?  If not, does it make sense for SVN to not attempt to interpret
the '@' character for this operation?


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