
We are new to SVN.

We found that our Jenkins CI is configured to use Subversion Workspace
Version 1.6 (svn:externals to file)
We also found that the SVN server is using SVN version Subversion 1.6.16
When running our build, we get the following errors:

Svn : Sending changes from your working copy to the repository :
ci --force-log -m A123 - Updating version.properties for x.x.x Build 3
- reviewed
--non-interactive /path/to/slave/workspace/hudson_Build/src/abc/version.xml
svn: The path '/path/to/slave/workspace/hudson_Build/src/abc/' appears
to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greater
working copy rooted at '/path/to/slave/workspace/hudson_Build'.
Please upgrade your Subversion client to use this working copy.

In our build.xml file used by Jenkins, we have
           <commit file="${a.version.xml}" message="A123 - Updating
version.properties for ${dex.version} Build ${build.number} -
reviewed" />

Is the error message correct that Jenkins SVN client is a higher
version that our SVN server ?
Do we use a lower svn version or higher svn version in the Jenkins
System configuration to fix this issue ?
Would the workspace be corrupted midway if we change the svn client
version in the Jenkins System configuration to fix this issue ?
How do we fix this issue ?

Thanks for your help.

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