On 12/31/2012 11:48 AM, Z W wrote:
Hi All

We are new to SVN.
We are unsure where to configure in SVN, if needed, while using it
with Jenkins/Hudson CI tool.

We have a big chained job that runs for about an hour. Chained job
meaning several jobs combined using downstream connections of jobs.

We have the following problem, which is better explained in use case scenario:

Issue: For those files that User C checks in, we like to pick up the
previous versions of those files, prior to User C's checkouts after
the job B begins running and not pick up the files versions that User
B checks in during the job B run.

We like to know if there is anything needed to be done in SVN to make it work ?

Tags are cheap copies; make a tag at the start of the build process and have the build system use only the tag.

    David Chapman      dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
    Software Development Done Right.

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