By design.  You need 
$ svn rm c
$ svn revert c

Nick wrote on Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 09:23:30 -0500:
> Removing a file which is scheduled to be added prevents submitting
> unrelated changelists.
> Occurring w/ my current version (1.7.7), have not tried others.
> Annotated & unannotated repro steps follow.
> $ svn --version
> svn, version 1.7.7 (r1393599)
>    compiled Jan  5 2013, 15:01:56
> Unannotated repro steps:
>       $ svn status
>       $ touch a b c
>       $ svn add a b c
>       $ svn cl "Add a and b" a b
>       $ rm c
>       $ svn commit --cl "Add a and b"
>       svn: E155010: Commit failed (details follow):
>       svn: E155010: '/home/nick/test_repo/c' is scheduled for addition, but
> is missing

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