On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:46 AM, gharmon1977 <
gabriel.har...@deltadentalva.com> wrote:

> When executing the following commands, I receive 2 different outputs
> regarding timestamps:
> svn log --xml -v --revision {"20130128"}:{"20130129"}
> URL/svn/repository/%SVNDir%
> /<logentry
>    revision="55913">
> <author>DevName</author>
> <date>*2013-01-29T02:31:38.558152Z*</date>
> /
> svn log -v --revision {"20130128"}:{"20130129"} URL/svn/repository/%SVNDir%
> /r55913 | DevName | *2013-01-28 21:31:38*/
> Timestamp discrepancy ... How's that possible?  Anyone else seen this? The
> --xml arg displays incorrect timestamp.
> Current work around, execute svn log and script creation of xml file based
> on the output of the svn log.
The XML output gives the UTC time (note the trailing Z). svn log is giving
your local time. Is your current timezone UTC -5:00?

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