On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Krishnamoorthi Gopal <
krishnamoor...@vernal.is> wrote:

> Our management requested to upgrade this version into 7.X with AD
> integration ( Only we need to use SVN ://)
> Is possible? ..please advise

Actually, what you need is a SSH server for windows that supports:
1) Tunneling ssh sessions to local (server) svnserve command executions
2) Authenticating ssh session through LDAP

Apparently there is a version of openSSH for windows, but don't know it's
current state neither about what features had been ported.
I'm currently using 1) like setup (but not on windows) working fine.
I haven't try 2) Perhaps somebody else can contribute.

Having said that, you probably have the perfect excuse to a) change the OS
or b) add http support.


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