> Hi folks,
> We are changing our folder structure in the SVN repository and need to "map"
> content from old folders to the new folders.  I was investigating the use of 
> COPY but the command is recursive, which leads to problems for us.
> For example, let's say our structure looks like:
> Original Folders
> \a
> \a\b
> \a\b\c
> And we are moving to a new structure where content from \a is copied to \d, \b
> to \e and \c also to \e:
> New Folders
> \d
> \d\e
> I can't do a SVN COPY of \b to \e because I would get:
> \d\e\c
> The only solution I can think of is to script a copy process on a 
> file-by-file basis
> by first getting a list of files in folder \c, then SVN COPY each file 
> individually
> into folder \e.  Repeat for all folders. I can this in PERL but it seems like 
> a long
> journey to get to the result.
> What am I missing?  Is my approach flawed?

That's pretty common because after all, a does contain folder b so when you 
copy a it is going to copy b.

All you have to do is work bottom up....

copy \a\b\c \e
copy \a\b \e

Then of course you would have to remove \c from \e.  Also, the svn copy command 
doesn't have advanced options like your shell does to copy files exclusive of 
folders and stuff. 


> Note that we want to keep the original structure in place as well as have the
> new one which is why I am playing with COPY instead of MOVE or SWITCH.

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