Philip Martin wrote:
> Subversion 1.7 (but not 1.6) creates svnserv.conf with the following:
> ### The sample settings below are the defaults and specify that anonymous
> ### users have read-only access to the repository, while authenticated
> ### users have read and write access to the repository.
> # anon-access = read
> # auth-access = write

The exact text may have changed, but something like this has been
included in the default svnserve.conf for quite a while;  here's the
segment from a repo I've had in its current form since at least ~SVN 1.5
(due to dump/reload to move to a new machine), possibly as far back as 1.2:

### These options control access to the repository for unauthenticated
### and authenticated users.  Valid values are "write", "read",
### and "none".  The sample settings below are the defaults.
# anon-access = read
# auth-access = write

(TBH I'm not sure why it was changed, it's perfectly clear to *me*...)

I just created a new repo with 1.6.15 to see what it did, and it
produced exactly the same as just above.


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