On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 02:37:24PM +1000, Daniel Becroft wrote:
> Hi,
> When running an 'svn merge -c', I get a particular set of paths updated
> with svn:mergeinfo. Fine, no issues with this.
> However, when running an 'svn merge -c --record-only', I get a far greater
> set of paths *reported* as updated, but they actually aren't. The paths
> that are report actually do have their own 'svn:mergeinfo' properties, but
> they don't get changes by the merge command (which I expected).
> I think the paths either need to be updated, or not displays.
> Using: svn 1.7.7

This is a known issue. The new behaviour described at
wasn't implemented for record-only merges.

Record-only merges still update all subtree mergeinfo within the
merge target. I don't know why record-only merges behave differently,
and I've tried but cannot find a reference that explains this.
Perhaps the new behaviour is too difficult to implement for record-only
merges, or maybe this difference exists on purpose.

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