On 05/21/2013 10:53 AM, Alexander Veit wrote:
> Hi,
> it seems that
>  svnlook cat
> swallows byte order marks (e.g. \xEF\xBB\xBF) from committed files. Therefore 
> it is difficult to check for the presence or absence of BOMs in commit hooks.
> Can anyone confirm that this is a bug in Subversion (at least in version: 
> 1.7.7)?

Nope.  Works as expected here.

$ svnlook cat data/repositories/i18n-data utf8-chinese-bom.txt > foo
$ hexdump -C foo
00000000  ef bb bf 75 74 66 38 2d  63 68 69 6e 65 73 65 2d  |...utf8-chinese-|
00000010  62 6f 6d 2d e5 90 8c e6  84 8f 0a                 |bom-.......|

C. Michael Pilato <cmpil...@collab.net>
CollabNet   <>   www.collab.net   <>   Enterprise Cloud Development

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