On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Andrew Reedick
<andrew.reed...@cbeyond.net> wrote:
> I don't think true renames will necessarily fix the problem.  Conceptually, 
> the problem is that the parent dir components of a branch/tag are 
> superfluous, e.g. given "svn://server/repo/path/to/project1/branches/1.0", 
> the "svn://server/repo/path/to" and "branches" path components are 
> useless/meaningless to the average user.

Well, no.  If I copy something from /proj1/branches/dev/branch001 to
/proj1/branches/qa/branch001 or on to /proj1/branches/prod/branch001
it isn't meaningless even though at the time of the initial copy and
possibly forever the contents are identical.   'Meaning' is imposed by
the user, not the tool.

>  However, these superfluous dir components are visible to the client, which 
> means they're accessible by, and thus modifiable by the client.  Which makes 
> them superfluous *and* dangerous.

No, it makes them useful.

> The client should only see and work with "--project project1 --branch 1.0", 
> e.g. "svn co --project project1 --branch 1.0" to checkout a branch.

That's sort of like saying filesystems shouldn't have subdirectories
so users don't get confused...  Some people might even believe that.

> It's about presentation.  Keep the superfluous dir components internal and 
> hidden from the average user.  We've already seen a move towards information 
> hiding with the'^' syntax that hides the server component.  This would be the 
> logical progression.

It's about organization.  And letting you arrange your own conventions
to match your processes.

   Les Mikesell

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