
Thank you for your quick answer. I am using the following versions :

TortoiseSVN 1.7.12, Build 24070 - 64 Bit
Subversion 1.7.9

Concerning the second question, the problem persists after an update of the 
root of working copy (and parent dir).



Le 23/05/2013 15:06, Johan Corveleyn a écrit :

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 3:01 PM, HOUDROGE Rami
<><> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am experiencing a problem that has been reported a couple of times accross 
> the web.
> 1. new file
> 2. add file
> 3. commit file
> 4. lock file
> 5. modify file
> 6. commit file
> and that last commit fails with the following error :
> Cannot verify lock on path '...'; no matching lock-token available.
> I am certain no one stole the lock and I am also certain that, locally, only 
> one working copy has the lock.
> I found one possible explanation that doesn't help much actually. It says you 
> should compile the apache server with the option -enable-pie. 
> Has anyone experienced this ? Could anyone provide an explanation / solution 
> to this problem ?

A couple of questions:
- Which version of SVN client? If not the latest 1.7.x release, can
you try to reproduce with the latest one?
- Does it also reproduce if you insert a 'svn update parent-dir'
between steps 3 and 4? What about an 'svn update root-of-workingcopy'?

(the last questions are not meant to challenge whether or not this is
a bug, but to get a bit more insight into what might be happening)



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