On 24.05.2013 09:32, Tobias Bading wrote:
> Hi Philip,
> thanks for your suggestions. I tried to dig a little deeper... and now
> things are getting even more strange.
> First, I tried to delete everything after the "update -r2" from
> no_spurious_conflict so I could make a copy of the wc before the
> merge. Guess what? Executing the "merge -c4 ^/" in a shell after
> running the test worked perfectly fine. So I removed the "update -r2"
> from no_spurious_conflict as well. Running "update -r2" and "merge -c4
> ^/" in a shell after the test worked perfectly fine again.
> Obviously, the test script does something differently than me in a
> shell. My python ain't that good, but I managed to come up with these
> lines:
>   exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None,
> [], 'update', '-r2', wc_dir)
>   print "update exit_code: ", exit_code
>   print "update out: ", out
>   print "update err: ", err
>   exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None,
> [], 'merge', '-c4', '^/', wc_dir)
>   print "merge exit_code: ", exit_code
>   print "merge out: ", out
>   print "merge err: ", err
> Now the test prints:
> update exit_code:  0
> update out:  ["Updating
> 'svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-60':\n", 'U   
> svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-60/3449_spurious\n', 'Updated
> to revision 2.\n']
> update err:  []
> merge exit_code:  0
> merge out:  ["--- Merging r4 into
> 'svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-60':\n", 'U   
> svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-60/3449_spurious\n', "---
> Recording mergeinfo for merge of r4 into
> 'svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-60':\n", ' U  
> svn-test-work/working_copies/diff_tests-60\n']
> merge err:  []
> So, the update claims to have updated 3449_spurious to r2 and the
> merge claims to have merged c4 into that file. As it turns out, both
> claims seem correct. The contents of 3449_spurious look correct.
> However, "svn status" and "svn diff" run afterwards both swear that
> the only local modification of the working copy is a property change
> at the wc root, the addition of the svn:mergeinfo property.
> Any idea what's going on here? What could affect the python script in
> a way that its merge is messed up, although the same merge run by hand
> works fine?

Are you by any chance running the tests with the sleep for timestamps
disabled? That could cause the effects you're seeing, especially
combined with running on a FAT filesystem (which has 2-second timestamp

-- Brane

Branko Čibej
Director of Subversion | WANdisco | www.wandisco.com

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