On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 5:05 AM, San Martino <sanmrt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We already use branches, but we use/justify them for developping long
> features or bug-fixes which require some time and are not urgent.
> In many cases, however, we must urgently fix small, short and important bugs
> and release everything immediatly.. We act on trunk directly for this and
> for this reason we shoule be sure that trunk is always ok. Opening a branch
> for each fix instead of using a validation on pre-commit makes the whole
> procedure more heavy does not guarantee that trunk is always in a "correct"
> state in any case. While searching on internet I found two "Pre-Commit CI" :
> http://www.pmease.com/features/continuous-integration.html#proof-build
> http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/features/delayed_commit.html
> I have not read the documentation, but it appears they are near to what we
> want
> What do you think about them?

Have you considered using release branches and accepting the
possibility of a 'dirty' trunk?  Projects that have to support
multiple release versions concurrently are pretty much forced to do it
that way, but it is not particularly cumbersome even if you only have
one revision deployed at a time now.   And the trunk seems like the
right place to have untested development work happening.

    Les Mikesell

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