On 6/20/2013 5:34 PM, Geoff Hoffman wrote:
We have a bunch of Kohana 3.2 projects in revision control, all with lower case filenames.

We're upgrading to Kohana 3.3; one of the main changes to Kohana 3.3 is implementing PSR-0 filename conventions, which require the class Model_Myclass to be found in Model/Myclass.php ... in our current repo it's in model/myclass.php (all lower case).

I thought I could just svn rename, however I'm confused by the output I'm seeing:

svn rename myclass.php Myclass.php
svn: E155007: Path '/Full/Path/To/Myclass.php' is not a directory

Perhaps http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#case-change might be helpful.

(Interesting/surprising that SVN 1.7 only fixed svn rename on Windows, but not on other OSes with case-insensitive filesystems like MacOS X)

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