On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 09:55:15AM -0400, Thomas Harold wrote:
> Is it still a long-term goal to maintain the ability to mount a SVN
> repository as a WebDAV folder?
> Based on this message from 2009:
> http://subversion.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=462&dsMessageId=1180976
> It sounds like the SVN server is still planning on supporting WebDAV
> clients, but moving the svn client away from talking WebDAV to the
> HTTP server?
> But before I go and roll out WebDAV to our users, I'd like to make
> sure that SVN isn't going to drop WebDAV client support in the next
> few years.

WebDAV clients will be supported until at least Subversion 2.0 arrives
because we won't break compatibility with any existing features until
the Subversion 2.0 release. Any Subversion 1.x server must speak WebDAV
due to this compatibility policy.

So far, there are no plans whatsoever to jump to version 2.0. And even
if we did, dropping support for old features is merely an option at that
point. So WebDAV support might stay alive even in Subversion 2.0 and later.

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