> Hi there. I have a question about subversion.

I think the previous response was quite correct, it mostly all depends.

> I have a theory on what files should not be on SVN and I would like you to 
> tell
> me if you agree. If you dont agree can you tell me why please. If you see more
> files that should not be there, tell me and why.
> Files who should not be on SVN :
> . files automatically generated

Well, Visual Studio generates "designer" files when you edit a web form... we 
do check those in. We also use compass and I check in the compiled .css file. 
Of course, I would like to no longer do that and have the build server generate 

> . files containing specific information about my development environment (so
> properties files for example) 

For the most part, yes. We check in the files with a .template in the name and 
have an init.bat file that copies them out... this way for any initial checkout 
you at least get reasonable defaults. Our template files also contain the QA 
connection strings so even a dev without the dbs set up will be able to locally 
run the ap. (as was said before, it depends).

. executable files
> PS: I am conscious that we can put anything to subversion but I am looking for
> Best practices Thank you so much

Once again, it depends. Many people feel it is a best practice to be able to do 
a check-out and then build the file without having to do any specific tool 
installs on your PC. Stuff like NuGet (gems npm whatever) help a lot, since 
your build can leverage those tools to get the binaries you need to build test. 
But, sometimes those tools need to be there. For example, we have nant (build 
tool) and mbunit (test tool) checked in so that the build server doesn't need 
to have each of those tools installed, and so also we can rev those tools by 
project rather than having to upgrade all the projects at once.

Also, we have some legacy VB6 code in our project and we use binary 
compatibility, so we need to DLLs checked in. As much as I don't like it. I am 
also considering moving these to a new repo and linking with external so that 
we don't get all the repo bloat... I can just blow away the "binary" repo every 
year or so.

But, yes, for the most part, that artifacts that your project builds aren't 
checked in.. but sometimes dependencies and tools are checked in as binaries. 

So.... the correct answer, as with almost anything in development is, it 


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