On Jun 21, 2013, at 15:23 , Philip Martin wrote:
> Another user raised the issue
> http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4382
> Using '--diff-cmd colordiff' to get coloured output no longer works.
> Here's a solution that requires the user to mark the command as
> requiring direct access.  Log and patch:
> Allow the user to bypass the temporary spool file when invoking an
> external diff command.  This allows commands that expect to see
> a terminal to work.  The user adds the prefix 'svn:direct:' to the
> command and Subversion passes the stream's file rather than creating
> a spool file.  So
>   --diff-cmd foo
> runs foo with a spool file and
>   --diff-cmd svn:direct:foo
> runs foo with the stream's file.

I can confirm that your patch works for me (OS X Lion and Linux). Thanks for 
the quick fix! Keeping my fingers crossed that this will make it into the 
repository soon.


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