On 7/8/2013 2:18 PM, Naumenko, Roman wrote:

That box has more than enough CPUs (forty), cores are barely utilized.
How is the access over ssh can be configured? I thought it's only
http(s) or svn proto.



svn+ssh access has some upsides and downsides. For us, it was simpler to get up and running with it back in 2007 when we were still getting our feet wet with SVN 1.4. We weren't ready to muck around with Apache httpd and SSL certificates to do https access to the repository.

We grant access at the repository level via Linux file system permissions. This means that every user needs to have their own system account and belong to Linux group that owns the repository.

chown -R svn-group1 /var/svn/svn-repository1
chmod -R 770 /var/svn/svn-repository1
chmod -R g+s /var/svn/svn-repository1

Where the 770 is some combination of, 770, 775, 755, 750, 700.

770 = owner read/write, group read/write, other none
750 = owner read/write, group read-only, other none

To keep things sane, we do not set permission by hand, but edit a script that can be re-run to fix permissions on the repositories. Most of our repositories follow a set naming pattern, which makes it easier.

The other advantage of svn+ssh is that it works well when using FSVS, because you can edit ~/.ssh/config so that FSVS can login to the SVN server automatically and push/pull configuration file changes.

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