
I was attempting to use TortoiseSVN to view the differences made in the 
history of a specific file, when I received the following exception:

Subversion Exception!
Subversion encountered a serious problem.
Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list
with as much information as possible about what
you were trying to do.
But please first search the mailing list archives for the error message
to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.
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Subversion reported the following
(you can copy the content of this dialog
to the clipboard using Ctrl-C):

In file
 line 8443: assertion failed (svn_dirent_is_absolute(local_abspath))

I can find another instance of this being reported ( but this specific 
problem does not seem to be applicable to my scenario -- specifically, I do 
not have a directory named "c:".

Normally I use a VPN to connect to my work's network, and from there I can 
access the remote repo. However, in this instance--when I tried to obtain 
the file history--I was NOT connected to the VPN. When I reconnect to the 
VPN, I am able to get the file history; when I disconnect, I see the 
exception as above.

Let me know if I can offer any other information.



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