On 09.07.2013 21:22, Andreas Krey wrote:
>> So indeed, this state of affairs puts the burden of setting up their
>> locale correctly on users, but that's simply the way Unix works.
> No, it ain't. It's almost like the mailer looks into LANG to see
> how to interpret the incoming mail, instead of using 'Charset:' etc.

Bad analogy, I'm afraid. It's a bit like the mailer looking at LC_CTYPE
to determine which encoding to use when /sending/ mails. Which would be

In any case, as I said before, Unix filesystems do not standardize a
file name encoding. One has to assume that the locale is set correctly,
or be incompatible with all other applications running on the system.
This is not a new problem, it has existed since the first time someone
tried to use a non-ASCII encoding on a Unix system.

> Needing to do 'LANG=C svn info' to be able to grep for keywords
> actually is the unix way, nowadays. en_us.utf8 is more appropriate
> nowadays, howevery I can't remember how it's spelled.

Using "LANG=C" is exactly wrong, as I said earlier, unless you know that
you only need to deal with file names in the ASCII subset. Given that
we're talking about Subversion, where we know that the internal encoding
is always UTF-8, it's dangerous to make that assumption.

If you want to be pedantic, you should use "LC_MESSAGES=C
LC_CTYPE=UTF-8", which is roughly equivalent in the context of this
discussion to the "LANG=C.UTF-8" that I proposed a couple of posts ago.

-- Brane

Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco // Non-Stop Data
e. br...@wandisco.com

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