Hi All

We have a branch A
We svn copy A to feature branch Y
Time elapsed
We svn merge A to Y continuously
Time elapsed
We svn copy A to branch B (and decided B would be the "trunk")
Time elapsed
We have been merging B to Y continuously
We have been checking in jars to branch Y when making builds on Y.
Time elapsed
Time to merge back from Y to Trunk B

Question 1:
We like to ignore the build artifacts in Y when merging back B.
How do we do that ?
What is the exact command ?

Question 2:
Would --reintegrate option help in this case ?

Question 3:
We may not want to delete branch Y after merging to B.
Can Y continue development and NOT cause merging issues again when we need
to merge from Y to B the 2nd time and onward.

Thanks all.

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