
Is there something obvious missing during compilation for such error?

bash-3.2$ /home/userb/svn/bin/svn co http://svnserver/svn/repositoryA/ 
/home/userb/svn/bin/svn: symbol lookup error: 
/home/userb/svn/lib/libsvn_ra_neon-1.so.0: undefined symbol: ne_accept_207

Version was 1.7.9, compiled with the following options (it gnored 
--without-apache though).
./configure  --without-berkeley-db --without-apache --without-apxs 
--without-swig  --with-ssl --with-serf=/home/userb/local/serf   

I've added path to svn lib in LD
bash-3.2$ ldd /home/userb/svn/bin/svn | grep neon
        libsvn_ra_neon-1.so.0 => /home/userb/svn/lib/libsvn_ra_neon-1.so.0 

serf was 0.7.2 and apr was 1.4.5

There is an older version of svn installed in the system, maybe that's the 


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