Hello everyone

We have the following situation that is working fine with svn clients <= v1.7 in a windows-environment: Our SVN-Server is a VisualSVN-Server, with integration of the Windows Authentication: Clients that are within the windows-domain authenticate automatically using their windows-credentials. Clients that are not part of the domain fail to log-in using the windows-credentials (as svn.exe sends the local user-information, like 'machine\username'), then svn.exe asks the user to enter a username and password. Clients then enter their domain-username ('domain\user') and the password, so they can authenticate.

Since svn 1.8.x we experience the following:
Clients that are part of the domain can log in without any problems. Clients that are not part of the domain try to log-in forever using the local account. The server rejects those credentials - it only knows about domain-users, not about local users. The client does not stop to log in then, but tries forever: At the server we see thousands of rejected log-in requests, at the client we see that it uses one core of the cpu 100% and eats more and more memory and never (? - I killed it when it reached more than one Gigabyte of memory) stops.

Why do I think it is a problem of the svn client:

With svn clients <= 1.7 this scenario works against VisualSVN-Server 2.5.x (using subversion 1.7.11) and against VisualSVNS-Server 2.6.2 and 2.6.3 (using subversion 1.8.1): If log-in using the windows-credentials fails, the svn-client asks for a username and password.

With svn clients >= 1.8 the problem occurs against VisualSVN-Server 2.5.x (subversion 1.7.11) and VisualSVN-Server 2.6.2/3 (subversion 1.8.1), so I would like to blame the client ;)

My try to test the svn-client was a simple checkout, in the form:

svn.exe --no-auth-cache checkout https://repository/svn/repo c:\tmp

For those who know VisualSVN Server: In the server we've selected 'Use Windows authentication' and then checked both: - 'Basis authentication' (Users are requested to enter their username and password in order to authenticate to the server) and - 'Integrated Windows Authentication' (Windows credentials are automatically used to authenticate to the server).

If we remove 'Integrated Windows Authentication' every svn client, regardless if it is in the domain or not, asks for a username/password and things work fine with svn.exe v1.8.1
Passing --username and --password to svn.exe does not help: If I test using

svn.exe --no-auth-cache --username user --password pass checkout https://repository/svn/repo c:\tmp

I see at the server that svn.exe does not send the passed user/pass, but still tries to log in with the local windows credentials (regardless if the machine is part of the domain or not - the server receives as username 'machine\user' or 'domain\user').

Is it possible that something like this is going on:
The client queries the server for supported log-in methods.
The server returns "basic auth" and "windows auth"
The 1.7 client first tries windows auth, fails, and then tries basic auth.
The 1.8 client tries windows auth, and if it fails it just tries again, and again, and again.. maybe its expecting that windows auth should work anyway: The user is already logged in, so the credentials must be valid. But they are not if the client is not part of the domain.

Looking at the stack in process explorer reveals that svn.exe seems to be looping around somewhere in libapr_tsvn.dll

Thanks for any help, if you need more information I'll be glad to share.


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