Geoff Field <> writes:

> Here's a log of a trial I have just done with a relatively fresh repository:
> C:\>svn co https://aapleng1/Subversion/Playground/trunk/ \SVN_Test
> A    SVN_Test\test.txt
> Checked out revision 897.
> C:\>cd SVN_Test
> C:\SVN_Test>dir
>  Volume in drive C is OSDisk
>  Volume Serial Number is E49F-06D7
>  Directory of C:\SVN_Test
> 12/08/2013  09:54 AM    <DIR>          .
> 12/08/2013  09:54 AM    <DIR>          ..
> 12/08/2013  09:54 AM                20 test.txt
>                1 File(s)             20 bytes
>                2 Dir(s)  160,268,779,520 bytes free
> C:\SVN_Test>copy test.txt test2.txt
>         1 file(s) copied.
> C:\SVN_Test>svn add test2.txt
> A         test2.txt
> C:\SVN_Test>svn ci test2.txt --message "test 1.8.1 checkin"
> Adding         test2.txt
> svn: E155011: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: E155011: File 'C:\SVN_Test\test2.txt' is out of date
> svn: E175005: File 'test2.txt' already exists

I can't reproduce that.  Can you look in the apache log files to see the
failed request?  Can you reproduce the problem over http?  Can you
provide a network trace?

Philip Martin | Subversion Committer
WANdisco | Non-Stop Data

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